
Bible Faces Around the Cross

April 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Biblically & Historically Accurate First-Person Presentations

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to meet Moses? To have lunch with Jonah (Hold the fish sandwich, please!), or talk with Peter, Andrew, John or Pilate? How about hearing details of the nativity from the innkeeper, a shepherd boy, or maybe from one of the Wise Men? What would it be like to discuss the crucifixion with the Centurion who was in charge? Professionally prepared, powerfully presented first person narratives can pull you into the stories and realities of the Bible in new and exciting ways: In ways that appeal to first graders, to sophisticated and learned theologians, and to those in between. Dr. Dick Stenbakken has been honing, researching, developing, and professionally presenting biblical first person characters for over 30 years.

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